
These are excellent videos that visually demonstrate the skills of positioning and attachment, as well as hand expressing, positions and what to do when your nipples are sore. 

The different types of infant formula, and other infant milks, marketed for babies and young children can seem confusing when you see lots of different ones on the supermarket shelf, but the information you need as a parent or carer is really quite simple. The majority of infants who are formula fed or mixed fed should be given a first infant milk (sometimes called first stage or stage 1 milk) throughout the first year.

All infant formula on the UK market must meet compositional regulations, so all products are perfectly ok to feed a baby. More expensive brands still have to meet the same compositional standards as cheaper brands. In this section you will find answers to questions you may have about infant formula (or other infant milks) and some information on making up infant formula safely and responsive bottle feeding.